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What is Taekwondo?

What is Taekwondo?

Taekwondo is action philosophy. It is the Korean art of self-defense. Literally translated, ‘Tae’ means foot; ‘Kwon’ means hand; ‘Do’ means art. It is much more than the image of the Martial Art’s physical aspect. It is designed as a nonviolent art and system of complete body exercise as well as being a way of life. It includes physical techniques, mental disciplines, and a deep philosophy. By practicing Tae Kwon Do, one can benefit in following ways:

  • Physically: one can develop good coordination, gain strength, increase flexibility, and improve cardiovascular conditioning. From all of these physical practices, one can have a strong body.
  • Mentally: one can build self-confidence, gain better , and improve self-control. From all these mental disciplines, one can have a sound mind.
  • Philosophically: while developing a strong body and a sound mind, it is appropriate to learn the valuable philosophical tools and lessons in life offered by Tae Kwon Do philosophy. Among these lessons:
    • The way to be honest, always standing for justice.
    • How to respect and help others.
    • The meaning of loyalty and courtesy.

Incorporating these three aspects into one’s life will build for them, the ability to be strong, to be humble, to be gentle, and to maintain self-respect.

Taekwondo philosophy emphasizes good health, happiness, generosity, and a sense of value of freedom, justice, and peace. All of these inspire both independence and coexistence.

Taekwondo is an art for humanity. It is a guide for the formation of outstanding character. It is practiced as a modern world sport. It is useful as a contemporary universal philosophy.

Taekwondo is the most beautiful and greatest martial art in the world.

What is Hapkido?

What is Hapkido?

The Korean term ‘Hapkido’ is a combination of three words: HAP meaning “harmony or coordination”; KI meaning “path of discipline” or “art”. In short, Hapkido means the “Art of Coordinated Power”.

This coordination of power is manifested in two ways: first and most important is the harmony between mind and body. To be able to function most effectively in a combat situation, to have good judgment and the confidence to use self-defense when you need it, one must have total control of both mind and body.

Hapkido is primarily defensive in nature, but in can be used for offense if absolutely needed. Many of its techniques are based upon an opponent’s attack. It seeks not to overpower an attacker with strength, but with techniques that turn an attacker’s own force back on himself.

Both Hapkido and Tae Kwon Do originated in Korea, but Tae Kwon Do is a hard style, meaning that kicks and strikes follow a straight line. Hapkido, on the other hand, is a soft style, with circular, more deceptive strikes and kicks. It teaches throwing and joint-locking techniques, which Tae Kwon Do does not. Hapkido also takes longer to master, which is why there are many Tae Kwon Do schools but very few Hapkido schools.

Many Hapkido Federations and Associations are around the world today, and most have started by individuals who have created their own styles. Because this Martial Art is used primarily for self-defense, there are not a lot of rules and regulations for ‘legal’ techniques. Any technique that you need in ways to save your life is a ‘valid’ technique.